Kare Clinic Strives for Sustainablity in Steamboat Springs!
Kare Clinic is commited to sustainable business practices and has
recently earned Gold Certification in the Steamboat Springs
Sustainable Business Program.
Sustainable Business Program:
"Currently 57 businesses strong, the Sustainable Business
Program is one of the most accredited, diverse and encompassing programs
of its kind in Colorado. Established in March of 2007 as a collaborative
effort between the Steamboat Springs Chamber Resort Association and
Environmental Solutions Unltd, the Sustainable Business Program has
been changing the nature of business in the Yampa Valley. The program
focuses on sustainability and the Triple Bottom Line - a new way to
define business success. The Triple Bottom Line includes: financial
success, social responsibility, proactive environmental management,
and the inter-relationships between them. Our goal is to leave our
planet in as good or better shape for future generations."
Steamboat Springs Chamber Resort Association Website 3/5/09.
we're doing to improve our sustainability include: